I can't believe 2016 was the first year I made the effort to attend The Emerald Cup, 'The Definitive Cup for the Fall Harvest', but I'm glad I finally went. 'It's reputation firmly solidified as the largest, most respected, organic, outdoor, medical competition in the world.' And it certainly did not disappoint. Seeing friends and making connections at events is always fun, but learning about new products for patients or innovations in cultivation are also huge upsides to attending events. The event was huge and it was hard to photograph it all, but here's a glimpse into the event through my eyes. Hope you enjoy!
In my short time working with Green Diamond, I have learned so much about coco fiber and what sets them apart from other coco producers. Coco fiber is the byproduct of harvesting coconuts for their meat and water, the husk and shell are processed and then ground into different consistencies to be used as coco fiber. Most coconut products come from overseas, like India or the Philippines, where the demand for coconut is one of the leading causes of deforestation. Green Diamond's coco comes from a family owned coconut plant in the mountains of Mexico, where attention to detail is more prevalent. Rather than treating the coco with high heats and preservatives like most, this coco is washed naturally with rain water, dried and cured under the sun. This keeps the coco rich in micronutrients and free of pathogens. It's hard to argue the lack of diversity in this industry, especially when you attend an expo. So that's why I was happy to spend so much of my time with a company who's 99% of color. It's nice to be where you want to be without feeling 'different.' We made so many cute Christmas ornaments, and Marjor Leauge Stoner stopped by to show us his work. Cannabis Now was set up right next to us and it made me so happy! I love that crew and everything they do for the community. Ellen and the team worked the booth like rockstars, and Greg even brought his alarm clock radio e-nail, it made me so happy because mine is so similar! The first thing I did after getting the booth set up was head to the 215 area. The event hadn't actually opened yet, so it wasn't too crowded yet. We stopped by the Harborside booth to say high to some friends, and that's when Adrina annihilated me with this globber of GoldDrop papaya. I'd never seen a 'dab bar' e-nail set up, or maybe I just didn't notice, but the idea is so practical! This one is made by MiniNail. Luckily I wasn't too high to make my way to the Spire Ridge Farms booth, I had never seen them before and was so excited about it! They are based out of Humbolt and have yet to make it to the Bay Area market, but I hope they do soon. I ended up picking up a gram of U.F.O.G shatter because it looked so good and was priced so well, I'm glad it ended up tasting good too. The art on their shirts was so awesome too, I wish I would have gotten one too!
The Hepburns family has always been so warm and generous, it felt so nice to be welcomed in their space in such a crowded setting. Allie even gifted us a Hepburns Delux filled with Tangie flowers and Sour Diesel hash, complete with a JollyGreenGlass glass tip!
Some other goodies that caught my eye were Giggle Theaputics and their Giggle Butter, which came in two flavors: PB&J and Cheese! By the time we made it to their booth I was so high, I couldn't even stomach a sample. I hope to try the products myself one day, I love cheese and I can't imagine how I would get eating medicated cheese spread! Another interesting edible I came across was Fruit Slabs. I've seen medicated fruit leather before but I loved the healthiness of this one. Made with all organic fruit and vegan ingredients, this is definitley a fruit snack I could get behind. I eneded my time in the 215 area by dabbing some Emerald Cup Concentrates and Absolute Extracts. Jess ended up walking away with a free gram of rosin because they didn't know what kind it was! It wouldn't be a stoner event without some heady glass, and The Mighty Quinn came through with a huge selection to oogle over. Bangers and pendants, bongs and rigs, they had it all! Quave Club Bangers, Diamond Caps, Third Eye Pinecones and more! Plenty of accessories for smoking and wearing were available for purchase, the options were overwhelming! I first saw Four Winds Flameworks at AGE in Vegas a few years ago, was happy to come across some more of their work in person! Ryan Fitt and Gabe Halliday had a bunch of their signature Kuzel's on display, and were even working the booth and answering questions! The detail and work put into these little things is so impressive, and the images they chose to decorate the pieces with are perfect for this kind of crowd. And who could walk past these EBOX pieces and not stop for a photo? What gems! BlueGrass & Don Rob had a booth set up with tons of collaboration pieces I could only dream of owning. Here are some with Jared Delong, NateyLove, Blitzkriega, Sakibomb and more! Could you imagine owning one of these?! I couldn't handle it. It was also such a treat to see Hummingbird Lane Tinctures & Topicals Jared Delong pendant made for last years cup winners, she had two! The last photos I took at the cup were these of some Los1Glass pieces at the Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions booth. I was exhausted by the end of it all, but looking back on it now I'm really realzing the tremendous lengths some of us will go to be together. This community and this culture, it's so much more than simply getting high. It's about acceptance and generosity and compassion and love. There's bad apples in every bunch, and snakes hiding in every crack, but this community is resilient and I truly believe that if we work together and support the people we want to see succeed, the people who have been with us this whole time, we will win this fight. I hope you're with me.
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A while ago I attended a festive and fun fall gathering held by Lady Chatterley's Lover, a Bay Area based delivery company, and The High Note, a cannabis focused party planner, at Meadow HQ in the SOMA district of San Francisco. The event focused on women, not only as consumers but as entrepreneurs as well. In cannabis, like much of society, it can be hard to find a space that is welcoming and even embracing of women. And while the event wasn't exclusivley for women, all of the products featured were influenced in some way by a woman. Recognition of women, and all marginalized groups honestly, in this industry, and society as a whole, will not only be a step closer to true equality, but it will also create the most diverse marketplace imaginable. I'm overjoyed to see the steps being made in the right direction. The first vendor I noticed was Kush Creams. What caught my attention was their chemotherapy shampoo and conditioner, which is something I've honestly never seen. Their products are made with emu oil that helps carry the goodness of cannabis deep into it's users body, and has some benefits of it own! Indica House Inc. tinctures were also on display, as well as Emerald Frams vape cartridges. Alchemy by Dark Heart was there with tons of rainbows and cartridges. While their cartridges aren't strain specific, Aclchemy creates "the perfect blend for wellness and unparalleled consistency" with 4 blends: Awaken, Inspire, Relax and Explore. I was incredibly excited to learn about Prema Flora at this event. We are living in a time where many small farms are feeling threatened by the looming presence of corperate cannabis. It's companies like these who provide those small farms with the overhead they may not be able to provide for themsleves, so they in turn can focus on the plants, maintain a living wage, while keeping cannabis sustainable and beneficial for local economies. Sun grown flowers are often seen as 'lesser' than indoor, and I'm glad there are people working to change that notion and allow these flowers to shine in the light they deserve. Because seriously, it was some good weed. While wandering around I met the people behind Healthy Headie Lifestyle. They provide a service for those looking to make the transition into cannabis and who don't know much about it. They educate individuals on the array of ways to medicate, the difference in products and even which strains might work best for them. Plus, they had a dab rig. I had to take a few. MoonMan's Mistress was there with plenty of medicated and non-medicated samples to share. If you read review of their products, you already know I'm a huge fan. Liz, the #LadyBoss in the duo that creates these treats, is a huge inspiration to me. They way she stands by her products, the way she's managed the health issues she's been dealt. So much strength and power to look up to! And I won't lie, I had some more samples. And it wouldn't be a gathing for women without some jewlery! Smokies Toke Couture creates fun and elegant pieces for the cannabis lover in everyone! The image in cannabis is chaning and the variety in lifesyle products needs to match that. Each piece is handmade right here in San Francisco by and individual who cares deeply for cannabis and it's community. Keeping it classy! (I also manage their social media accounts.) The party was fun, and there was lots to see. Not everyone who atteneded was featured here, only those who caught my eye, but I hope you enjoyed what I had to share! And if you're local, go see what they have to offer for yourself at the Cannabis Holiday Gift Fair! It's free and it's this Sunday, December 4th. Click here for more info.
Authorstoneyxochi. 33 year old California native. proud pothead, Mexicana and woman. Archives
February 2024